Building the Farm


Flowering plants are stunning, but building out the land for them to successfully thrive is a journey we are only just breaking the surface of. When we purchased our home a year ago this 1 acre property had a backyard that was longing for life. The ground had not been nurtured for years and any attempt to dig or plant required days of digging, soaking, and prying through the layers of compacted fill dirt. The weeds did not even thrive over the leach lines with the soil condition as it was.

As I journeyed into the world of flowers through the online course with Floret Farms we started our plan on how we would sow the seeds now to set us up for a successful launch of our event center in a few years. Our first step was to build out the boxes to ensure plants had the opportunity to thrive as we worked on amending the soil. From there we decided to build out the trellis arches and found a new love of the rototiller to add an additional 1,500 square feet of planting area. The process started in January 2022 and now is a thriving flower field ready to burst in color.

We are documenting the journey through our social media and creating educational videos on You Tube to help other micro flower farmers learn from our experience. Follow along at The Barn San Diego to see the journey!


DIY Cattle Panel Trellis


The BIG Dream