Sara Suter Sara Suter

Zone 9b - Flower Farming in San Diego

Agriculture and farming are prevalent here in San Diego but there are several micro climates as you move throughout the region. What we could grow in Lakeside is different than what works in our new home in Alpine, even though it is the same growing zone. As we journeyed into flower farming and growing on a larger scale for retail, we quickly learned that the land will dictate what grows well and not just the zone on the back of the seed packets.

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Sara Suter Sara Suter

Year 2 - The Journey of Flower Farming

As I reflect back on year two of the flower farm I am amazed at the growth of the garden as well as in David and I. We tried new things, killed A LOT of plants, and kept persevering in our mission to share the beauty of the farm with others. The idea of running two businesses seemed crazy to others, but to us we never questioned our “why” which was always to create a beautiful place for people to gather.

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Sara Suter Sara Suter

Farm Update - 6 Months Later

When I look out over the farm today I can’t believe that only 6 month ago our backyard was just a dirt lot! The vibrancy of color and life around the yard makes it easy to forget what it once was. My vision for the garden has grown along with the array of flowers and wildlife over the last few months. What started out as planters boxes only due to the pour quality of our soil, has turned into large fields with an abundance of zinnias, sunflowers, dahlias, cosmos, and even a pumpkin patch.

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Sara Suter Sara Suter

DIY Cattle Panel Trellis

Part of our mission with the farm is to show all the phases of development with other micro flower farmers. Follow along as we walk through the steps of how to build your own DIY cattle panel trellis for under $60.

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Sara Suter Sara Suter

Building the Farm

Flowering plants are stunning, but building out the land for them to successfully thrive is a journey we are only just breaking the surface of. When we purchased our home a year ago this 1 acre property had a backyard that was longing for life. The ground had not been nurtured for years and any attempt to dig or plant required days of digging, soaking, and prying through the layers of compacted fill dirt.

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Sara Suter Sara Suter

The BIG Dream

God plants a seed in all of us to sow to impact the lives of others. The BIG dream for The Barn is to create a place for people to gather with food and fellowship while surrounded by the beauty of nature. I believe a dream is just a dream until it is spoken out loud. I remember the day so clearly sitting at a Dream Big Conference in San Diego when God spoke so clearly that The Barn was a space I was meant to create and share with others.

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