The BIG Dream


God plants a seed in all of us to sow to impact the lives of others. The BIG dream for The Barn is to create a place for people to gather with food and fellowship while surrounded by the beauty of nature. I believe a dream is just a dream until it is spoken out loud. I remember the day so clearly sitting at a Dream Big Conference in San Diego when God spoke so clearly that The Barn was a space I was meant to create and share with others. I didn’t have the full vision, but a calling on my life that was so strong it could not be avoided.

And then COVID happened, and this little dream really started to get stronger and stronger as I realized that people were longing to connect and engage with nature. The flower and garden industry exploded as we all learned to find peace in the chaos of the world. In 2021, my husband David and I started to look for land with our realtor to step into the calling. The irony of it all was that God had a different first step and that was to sell and purchase a new home for our family first in the area we were looking to build out The Barn. Within two months of that revelation we had bought, sold and prepared to move to our new home in Alpine, California.

It seemed like the BIG dream would have to be put on hold for a few more years as we invested into our growing teenage boys and current business we own. But God still showed me that I was meant to keep stepping into the calling by using the land from our home to sow the seeds for a cut flower farm. Through faith we are walking into a season that is showing us more and more everyday the power and patience of growing and caring for flowers. We look forward to sharing the journey with you and hope one day to you experience the serenity and beauty of The Barn.


Building the Farm