Farm Update - 6 Months Later


When I look out over the farm today I can’t believe that only 6 months ago our backyard was just a dirt lot! The vibrancy of color and life around the yard makes it easy to forget what it once was. My vision for the garden has grown along with the array of flowers and wildlife over the last few months. What started out as planter boxes only due to the pour quality of our soil, has turned into large fields with an abundance of zinnias, sunflowers, dahlias, cosmos, lupine, yarrow and even a pumpkin patch. The vegetable garden has exploded, which grows over our custom cattle panel with tomatoes, watermelon, cantelope, cucumbers and zucchini.

As I walk out in the early mornings with my coffee I am greeted with a variety of birds, butterflies, buzzing bees in the sunflowers, and the sounds of natures helpers pollinating the flowers. They truly are what brings the magic to the garden. Our San Diego heat has definitely been a struggle over the last few months which average daily highs of 90 - 95 degrees and lows in the 70’s. Since we garden in zone 9 it is no surprise that we haven’t had any measurable rain in the past few months causing portions of the garden to struggle. To my surprise the ground we tilled is thriving with drip line irrigation and full sun, while the flowers in the custom boxes with light shade cloth are slow to develop strong healthy plants. I guess this is part of trusting nature to do its part, rather than over engineering what we think the plants need to be successful. The large back beds are thriving with just a few yards of good compost turned into the soil and continual water.

We are looking forward to our first farm event this week Mimosa’s & Mixed Bouquets to help share in the beauty of Gods creation. It’s the small step forward to moving from dream to a profitable business. Cheers to all my fellow dreamers who wake up each day stepping into their true calling.


Year 2 - The Journey of Flower Farming


DIY Cattle Panel Trellis