Year 2 - The Journey of Flower Farming


As I reflect back on year two of the flower farm I am amazed at the growth of the garden as well as in David and I. We tried new things, killed A LOT of plants, and kept persevering in our mission to share the beauty of the farm with others. The idea of running two businesses seemed crazy to others, but to us we never questioned our “why” which was always to create a beautiful place for people to gather.

We started the season with the purchase and installation of a new greenhouse. This was a game changer for us to be able to start the seeds and nurture them until they could go out into the fields in late Spring. The Spring of 2023 proved to be a really cool and wet season in Alpine with frost all the way through April.

We broke new ground for an additional 800 square feet of planting to give us an 1/8 acre cutting garden. The first transplants went into the ground in mid-April with the first of the season sunflowers and snapdragons arriving in May. By June the field was exploding and we tried our first attempt at flower sales in our local community. Our mixed bouquets with dahlias, zinnias, lisianthus, sunflowers, and celosia were loved by many and we sold throughout the season at Summer’s Past Farms in El Cajon.

The most special moments came during our three on farm Mimosa & Mixed Bouquet events. We met the most incredible flower friends and celebrated the season with our custom arrangements. Watching people come onto the farm, wander the fields, and create something beautiful was what we dreamed of as we developed the farm.

Cheers to season three of the farm and all the stories that will become of the journey. We appreciate all the support in our adventures into farming and look forward in sharing the bounty of flowers to come.


Zone 9b - Flower Farming in San Diego


Farm Update - 6 Months Later